Thursday, June 21, 2007

My passport has arrived

Just to let you all know that my passport finally arrived this morning... so I will be going on the trip after all... I never doubted it, but there were some tense moments...

Laura and I are really excited to be traveling with you all on this remarkable journey. We are still tweaking the program, even as I write... and it keeps getting better and better.

Travel well... get lots of rest in advance...



turkporter said...

Wishing you a joyous, fabulous trip Wish we were joining you.
Glad your passport arrived and you can continue forward.

Hut a gute raize!

Sydney & Hale

zevshanken said...

Hope you had a good havdalah. Your last one in the states for two weeks. I look forward to seeing the pictures from the air even before you get to Israel. Wait till you see the city lights of Tel Aviv as you fly into Israel afer long night and day in the air. Or will you be arrivingin the daytime? No matter, it's a great flight. Bring a book. Make friends. Keep us posted.
-- Zev Shanken